Attentive Listening Skills

Great listening doesn’t come easily. It’s hard work. There are two major types of listening skills: attentive and interactive. The following attentive listening skills will help you uncover the true messages your counterparts are conveying.

  1. Be motivated to listen. Knowing that the person with the most information is usually the one in control of a negotiation should give you an incentive to be a better listener. It is wise to set goals for the amount and type of information you hope to receive from your counterpart. The more you can learn, the better off you will be.

  2. If you must speak, ask questions. To get specific, useful information and uncover your counterpart’s needs and goals, you have to continually ask questions. By moving from broad to narrow questions, you will eventually acquire the information you need to make the best decisions.

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Making the Sale by Building Trust while Negotiating

  1. Demonstrate your competence. Convincing your buyer that you have both the expertise and the will to support your end of the negotiation builds trust. We are all more comfortable with someone we can look to for honest answers, options and solutions.

  2. Make sure that the nonverbal signals you are sending match the words you are saying. The buyer can tell more about your total message by reading and understanding the nonverbal signals you are sending than by just listening to your words. Congruence between your verbal and nonverbal messages helps create trust in the relationship.

  3. Maintain a professional appearance. Rightly or wrongly, people do judge a book by its cover. A well-groomed, professional appearance is important.

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10 Ways to Lose a Negotiation – May 2010 Master Negotiator

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“Your ability to negotiate, communicate, influence, and persuade others to do things is absolutely indispensable to everything you accomplish in life.”

-Brian Tracy

Recently, a seminar participant came up to us during a break and said, “I think I made a huge mistake in a recent negotiation regarding budgets.” The participant went on to add that she did not counter her CFO’s original budget number for her department. What gave her the feeling of buyer’s remorse is that two of her peers had each countered the original budget figure offered by the CFO and through negotiation, had their budgets increased.

Hind sight being 20/20, it is hard to say whether it was a mistake or if the participant received a great deal on her final budget. What we do know is that specific skills, when practiced, lead to better negotiated outcomes. Please feel free to contact us with any negotiation questions or article ideas. We’ll do our best to address them in upcoming issues. (

Remember, almost everything in life is negotiable.

Peter B. Stark & Jane Flaherty

Not satisfied with your negotiation outcomes, but not sure what is causing the problems? If you feel you are continually striking out, it’s time to reassess your approach and see if you are hurting your negotiation more than helping it.

Below, find the top ten ways to lose a negotiation.

  1. Be Pessimistic

    In every negotiation, counterparts have one of three visions of the outcome. The third type of vision is a negative one. These negotiators know they are going to lose the negotiation before they ever begin the process. The second type of vision is to obtain the status quo. You are not trying to win or lose anything: you are just trying to keep what you have already achieved.

    Vision number one, which is where you need to be if you want a win-win outcome, is a compelling, positive vision. This counterpart sees himself as successfully negotiating with their counterpart and achieving his goals. Great negotiators have a positive vision of the outcome and plan a strategy to turn the vision into a reality.

  2. Don’t Worry About Preparation

    Many negotiators prepare on the way to the negotiation. Or better yet, they use their first meeting with the counterpart to go in and determine the counterpart’s position. That’s great as long as the counterpart came into the negotiation with the same amount of preparation.

    The side who is the best prepared, usually receives the best outcome. If the counterpart spent a few hours of preparation to research you, your customers and your competitors, and you didn’t research them, you are going to be at an unfair advantage. It is amazing that in the age of the Internet, some people don’t even go to the web to do five minutes of research prior to the negotiation. Like we learned in school, doing your homework will almost always help you to be even more successful in your outcomes.

  3. Lower your Aspirations

    If you don’t expect much from the negotiation, you’ll always be pleasantly surprised by the outcome, right? Wrong!

    Good preparation goes hand in hand with high aspirations. When you go into a negotiation, you need to identify three points of information. First, you need to clearly articulate your goal. If the new software is quoted at $5,000, then what is your goal for the final price? If your goal is to pay less than $5,000, then you can never open up the negotiation at $5,000. You need to identify your second important piece of information which is your wish. To get a really great deal, your wish would be to buy the software for $4,000. The reason you need to establish a wish to open your negotiation at is that if you start the negotiation at $5,000, your goal, then you will always be negotiating on the wrong side of the fence. When you start the negotiation at $5,000, you are most likely going to end up higher than your $5,000 goal. But if you start at $4,000, your wish, there is a good chance you will end up somewhere between $4,000 and $5,000. Last, you need to identify your bottom line. If this software rises above $5,000 with add-ons, at what price are you willing to walk away from the table and go seek competitive bids? When you raise your aspirations by opening up your negotiation at your wish, you almost always achieve a better outcome.

  4. Never Compromise

    If you don’t compromise on anything, you can be sure that your counterpart will not want to negotiate with you again.

    Always compromise, except when it comes to core values. The core value may be quality, profitability or fidelity. When it comes to core values, negotiating becomes a slippery slope that usually becomes a lose-lose outcome. If the deal point is not a core value, we have found, in most instances, that it is beneficial to compromise and achieve a win-win outcome. Could you have done better? You can always do better. But, if you consider what your time is worth and more importantly, how you enjoy spending your time, the right decision is usually to compromise.

  5. Say “Yes” to the First Offer

    When you say “yes” to a counterpart’s first offer, you statistically increase the chances of undermining the deal.

    Don’t ever say “yes” to a counterpart’s first offer. People expect you to counter their first offer. Don’t disappoint them. Think about it. Someone is selling their car for $10,000. You offer them $5,000 and they extend their hand and tell you, “sold.” There would be two thoughts racing through your mind. The first thought would be, “I should have offered $4,000.” The second thought would be, “Something is wrong with this car.” Neither of these thoughts are motivators to encourage you to move forward with the deal.

    If your counterpart offers you the perfect price, then counter with another deal point like timing or a condition of sale. For example, on the car deal above, you could say, “I could accept the $5,000 but only under one condition: that you pay me today all in cash.” Always counter.

  6. Don’t Walk Away

    We are fond of saying: some of the very best deals we have ever negotiated are the ones we did not.

    Sometimes, the best deal you can make is to walk away. When you walk away, it is important to remember you are not creating a lose-lose or win-lose outcome, you are creating a “no outcome.” No outcome is very different than a lose-lose outcome. Most people have had the experience of walking out of a car dealership without making a purchase. In this example, you most likely will end up buying the car from the same dealership on a different day or you will buy it from a different dealership. The original dealership is either going to sell the car to you on a different day or they will sell it to someone else. On the day you walked out, no one lost. There just was no outcome in the deal.

  7. Talk More than Listen

    The old cliché is right. You’ve got two ears and one mouth and, in a negotiation, it is advisable to use those parts in direct proportion.

    The best negotiators are great listeners. By being a great listener, you are showing your counterpart that you value them and their opinion. When people feel valued, they are much more likely to concede and work toward a win-win outcome. When great listeners do speak in a negotiation, they usually practice the art of asking great questions, which facilitates even more listening.

  8. Forget About Multiple Options

    In a negotiation, when you do not have multiple options, you tend to throw your anchor over the side of the boat without a line attached.

    When you develop multiple options so that you can pull up your anchor and try a different strategy or tactic, you will become a resourceful negotiator. If each counterpart has three different options of how they can successfully achieve their goal, almost always, a win-win outcome can be achieved.

  9. Don’t Find Out the Needs and Goals of your Counterpart

    If you don’t know the needs of your counterpart, you will be unable to reach a win-win outcome.

    While communicating, pay attention to clues that your counterpart drops about their needs. In every negotiation, there are two types of needs operating. Your counterpart will always tell you their explicit needs, which are things like: price, quantity, delivery, warranty, terms, etc. However, they will never tell you their implicit needs, such as: looking good in the eyes of their boss, being liked, being right and feeling valued. Great negotiators know that it is the implicit needs, not the explicit needs, which drive the outcome of a negotiation. Help your counterpart meet their implicit needs and you will find it even easier to achieve a win-win outcome.

  10. Only Use One Strategy

    What if the one strategy you have fails? The negotiation will not end well.

    Great negotiators continually build their repertoire of strategies and tactics. The average person uses three to five strategies or tactics that they have mastered from using over and over. Sharks or bullies usually have less than three strategies and/or tactics. They need fewer tactics because the ones they do use, like yelling or swearing, work so well. In our best-selling book, The Only Negotiating Guide You’ll Ever Need, we review 101 different strategies and tactics you can use, and how to counter if someone ever used the tactic against you. To help you build your skills, you can also sign up for our free Negotiation Tactic of the Week newsletter. Start putting a few new strategies into play and have fun as you observe the results.

There you have it. The top ten ways to lose a negotiation. In your next negotiation, pull out this list and put a check by each one as you ensure that mistake is not going to derail your ability to successfully achieve your negotiated goal.

15 Rules of Negotiation

Negotiation is a process that can be learned

By following the 15 rules outlined here–and practicing, practicing, practicing–you can perfect your skills at negotiating deals in which everyone wins.

  1. Remember, everything is negotiable. Don’t narrow a negotiation down to just one issue. Develop as many issues or negotiable deal points as you can and then juggle in additional deal points if you and the other party lock onto one issue.

  2. Crystallize your vision of the outcome. The counterpart who can visualize the end result will most likely be the one who guides the negotiation.

  3. Prepare in advance. Information is power. Obtain as much information as possible beforehand to make sure you understand the value of what you are negotiating. Remember, very few negotiations begin when the counterparts arrive at the table.

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Negotiating with a Bully, Shark or, Jerk… What Should You Do?

Based on our research from seminars and training on negotiation skills, we have learned that the most difficult person for many people to negotiate with is a bully, more effectively referred to as a shark in our book, The Only Negotiating Guide You’ll Ever Need.

When most people encounter a shark, the number one goal that jumps in front of them is to get away from the shark. No one likes to deal with a jerk. The problem is, to get away from a shark in a negotiation, many people tend to give in. It is a simple strategy: give the shark, bully or jerk something they want and then GET OUT.

The problem with this strategy is that this is the worst thing you can do when negotiating with a shark. Giving in only rewards the shark and increases the chances they will rely on bully tactics the next time they negotiate with you. The best strategy is to get closer to the shark. We have four different tactics that will help you do that:

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Nonverbal Communication in Negotiation

Gesture Clusters

Many skeptics argue that it is difficult determining what someone is thinking by singling out one gesture-and they are right. A single gesture is like a single word; its true meaning is vague out of context. But, when gestures come in clusters, their meaning becomes clearer. For example, while a person’s fidgeting may not mean much by itself, if that person is avoiding eye contact, holding his hands around his mouth, touching his face and fidgeting, there’s a good chance he is not being completely honest.

As you study nonverbal behavior, you will begin comprehending the clustering process. When scanning a counterpart for clusters of gestures, view the body in four categories:

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Negotiating Win/Win Deals

Negotiating Desirable Outcomes

You may not realize it, but you are involved in negotiation a good part of every day. Any negotiation–whether it involves settling on the price of a product or service, agreeing to the terms of a job offer, or simply deciding on a bedtime for your children–ends in one of five possible outcomes: (1) lose/lose, in which neither party achieves his goals; (2) lose/win or (3) win/lose, in which one party achieves her goals and the other does not; (4) no outcome, in which neither party wins or loses; and (5) win/win, in which the goals of both parties are met. It’s easy to see that numbers 1 and 4 are less than ideal, as is number 2 if you are the one who loses! But what about the other two outcomes? Isn’t win/lose just as desirable as win/win, as long as you are the winner?

The Win/Lose Outcome

In some negotiations, you will be the winner and the other party will be the loser. At first, it may seem that this is the ideal situation for you. But think about it. If you have ever lost a negotiation, you know that the feeling is not pleasant. A significant problem with a win/lose outcome is that one person walks away with unmet needs–and this person is unlikely to be willing to engage in future negotiations with the other party. Ultimately, this sets up the potential for a lose/lose outcome.

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The Role of Power in Negotiation

The word power has had a bad connotation for many years.

It has received this reputation because most people associate the word with one side dominating or overpowering the other. I define power as the ability to influence people or situations. With this definition, power is neither good nor bad. It is the abuse of power that is bad.

Types of Power

Various types of power can influence the outcome of a negotiation. I emphasize the word can because if you have power but don’t use it, your power is of no value. The following are a few types of power that can be significant in the negotiating process:

  1. Position. Some measure of power is conferred based on one’s formal position in an organization. For example, if you are the marketing manager, you can influence decisions that affect the marketing department.

  2. Knowledge or expertise. Knowledge in itself is not powerful; it is the application of knowledge that confers power. It’s important to take the time prior to a negotiation to research facts and statistics, find out what the other party’s goals are, and discover what areas he or she might consider negotiable–and then use this knowledge!

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Nonverbal Negotiation Skills

Researchers in nonverbal communication claim that as much as 90 percent of the meaning transmitted between two people in face-to-face communication is nonverbal. This means that little of your verbal communication will have an impact on the outcome of your negotiations! If these figures are even close to reality, the importance of nonverbal negotiation skills cannot be overestimated.

Learning the language of nonverbal communications is almost as difficult as acquiring fluency in a foreign language. In addition to studying your own gestures and the meaning you are conveying, you must also become aware of what your counterpart is conveying.

Gesture Clusters

Many skeptics argue that it is difficult to tell what someone is thinking by singling out one gesture: and they are right. A single gesture is like a single word; its true meaning is difficult to understand out of context. However, when gestures come in clusters, their meaning becomes clearer. For example, while a person’s fidgeting may not mean much by itself, if that person is avoiding eye contact, holding his hands around his mouth, touching his face and fidgeting, there’s a good chance he is not being totally honest.

As you study nonverbal behavior, you will begin to understand the clustering process. When scanning a counterpart for clusters of gestures, a good formula to follow is to divide the body into five categories:

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10 Types of Power

Several types of power can influence the outcome of a negotiation. We emphasize the word “can,” because if you have power but don’t use it, the power adds no value to the negotiation.

  1. Position. Some measure of power is conferred on the basis of one’s formal position in an organization. For example, a marketing manager can influence the decisions that affect the marketing department. However, the marketing manager has little power to influence the decisions that affect the finance department.

  2. Knowledge or expertise. People who have knowledge or expertise can wield tremendous power. Of course, knowledge in itself is not powerful. It is the use of knowledge and expertise that confers power. Thus, you could be an incredibly bright person and still be powerless.

  3. Character or ethics. The more trustworthy individuals are, the more power they have in negotiations. The big issue here is whether they do what they say they are going to do-even when they no longer feel like doing it.

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